Deutschlands Flagge


How much does it cost to attend a Studienkolleg?

There is no tuition for attending a state-run Studienkolleg, although there is usually a fee between 100 and 400 Euro per semester, depending on the Studienkolleg. You also need to pay for health insurance and will need to buy books and other class material. Life in Germany is expensive. You should plan approximately €700 per month for rent, clothes, food etc. Usually you are not allowed to work during the semester while you are attending the Studienkolleg. Although it is possible to work during the semester break, it will not be enough to live on! Students do not usually receive grants. You will need to plan to have enough to live on during your time in Germany.

Das Leben in Deutschland ist teuer. Für Miete, Kleidung, Essen etc. benötigen Sie pro Monat ca. 700 Euro. In der Regel dürfen Sie während Ihres Studiums am Studienkolleg nicht arbeiten, sondern können im besten Fall während der Ferien ein wenig dazuverdienen, nicht genug, um davon zu leben! Studienkollegiaten bekommen normalerweise keine Stipendien. Für Ihren Aufenthalt in Deutschland sollten Sie finanziell abgesichert sein.